Thrift for Good

Thrift for Good is UAE-based social enterprise established in 2020. It collects used clothing, books, and accessories to sell in two UAE stores and online. Profits are donated to its charity partner, Gulf for Good, which set up in 2001 to support underprivileged children around the world. By raising money through fitness challenges and outdoor adventures, Gulf for Good funds projects focusing on children's education, housing and health, in line with the SDGs. Since 2001, it has raised more than $4m for 61 projects in 29 countries helping over 33,197 children in need.

Related sustainable development goals

  • No Poverty
  • Zero Hunger
  • Quality Education
  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Partnerships for the Goals

Focus areas

Focus sectors

  • Arts
  • Development
    • Economic development
      • Community improvement
    • Sustainable development
  • Education
  • Humanitarian
    • Thrift shops
  • Philanthropy

Focus populations

  • Adolescents
  • At-risk youth
  • Children
  • Orphans
  • Women and girls

Focus geographies

  • Africa
  • Americas
  • Central Asia
  • Middle East
    • United Arab Emirates
  • South Asia
  • South-east Asia


  • Baytna Baytak & Embrace
  • Chicuchas Wasi School for Girls - Peru
  • Gulf for Good
  • International Association for Transformation (IAT) - Philippines
  • Larchfield Kids - Tanzania
  • SOS Children’s Villages
  • Sparkle Malawi
  • Tibetan Children's Villages (TCV) - India


  • Gulf for Good's unrestricted funds
    Thrift for Good also provided unrestricted/unearmarked funding to Gulf for Good to support the running of their operations and to be channelled into their underfunded projects.
  • Thrift for Good shops
    With an online store and two physical stores in Dubai, in the Palm and Times Square, Thrift for Good accepts donated clothes, bags, shoes, accessories, and books, which are then sold in their stores. Once sold, 100% of the profits from the stores go to support projects by their charity partner Gulf for Good, and donors/customers receive a AED 10 voucher as a thank you, which can be used at any of their stores.


Funding model

  • Grants to organisations

Primary funders

  • Public


Key staff

  • Jennifer Sault, Founder

Contact details