Rashid Al Zayani Charity Foundation
The Rashid Al Zayani Charity Foundation was established in Bahrain in 2009 to help individuals and groups in need. The organisation funds projects across a range of sectors, including education, healthcare, child welfare, infrastructure development, and religious institutions. The foundation is funded by donations from the family-held Al Zayani Investments, which operates businesses across Bahrain.
- Organisation type Corporate foundation
- Year founded 2009
- Headquartered Manama
- Registration Bahrain
- Website https://www.rzmabara.com
Related sustainable development goals
Focus areas
Focus sectors
- Sustainable development
- Economic development
- Employment
- Education
- Free goods distribution
- Food aid
- Religion
Focus populations
- Low-income people
- Men and boys
- Unemployed people
- Women and girls
Focus geographies
Middle East
- Bahrain
- Alia for Early Intervention
- Bahrain Polytechnic
- Mahfooda Alzayani Mosque
- Majid Al Zayani Quran School
- Rashid Al Zayani Port
- Rashid Alzayani Hall
- Rashid Alzayani Mosque
- Tafaul Centre
Community initiatives
The foundation supports a number of community initiatives including CleanUp Bahrain and the Bahrain Food Bank.Education
The foundation empowers young people from underprivileged backgrounds to thrive through education. It does this by offering university scholarships; primarily funding students to study at three universities: Bahrain Polytechnic, the University of Bahrain, and the Royal colleague of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), Bahrain Branch.Public projects
The foundation has funded and constructed a range of public buildings, most notably the Rashid Alzayani Mosque in Galali, The Mahfooda Alzayani Mosque in Janabiya, the Rashid AlZayani Port in Jasra, the Rashid Alzayani Hall in Muharrag and the Majid Alzayani Quran School in Riffa.Safe housing
This programme assists Bahraini citizens in the repair and reconstruction of housing, ensuring families have access to safe and clean accommodation.
Funding model
- Foundation-administered programme awards
- Grants to Individuals
- Grants to organisations
- In-kind gifts
Primary funders
- Al Zayani Investments
Key staff
- Abdulrahim AlNaar, Abdulrahim AlNaar
- general manager, Omar Ayoob
- Wesal AlFadhel, Wesal AlFadhel
Board members
- Abdulrahman Hamid Al Zayani, Board member
- Hamid Rashid Al Zayani, Board member
- Khalid Rashid Al Zayani, Board chair
- Nawaf Khalid Al Zayani, Board member
Contact details
- +973 1753 1177
- https://www.rzmabara.com
- Al Zayani Investments B.S.C Zayani House P.O. Box: 5553 Manama, Bahrain