Makhzoumi Foundation

The Makhzoumi Foundation mobilises resources, builds partnerships and develops the capacities of communities in Lebanon through the promotion of targeted education, affordable healthcare, workable startups, and secured livelihoods programming. Founded in 1997 by Lebanese politician Fouad Makhzoumi, the focus of the foundation is to encourage self-reliance and sustainable futures.

Related sustainable development goals

  • No Poverty
  • Good Health and Well-Being
  • Quality Education
  • Gender Equality
  • Clean Water and Sanitation
  • Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • Reduced Inequalities
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Climate Action
  • Life Below Water
  • Life on Land
  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  • Partnerships for the Goals

Focus areas

Focus sectors

  • Development
    • Economic development
      • Employment
        • Organized labor
        • Job training
      • Financial services
        • Development finance
          • Microfinance
    • Sustainable development
  • Education
    • Vocational education
    • Adult education
  • Health
    • Out-patient care
      • Health care clinics
      • Dental care
    • Public health
      • Communicable disease control
    • Healthcare access
    • Medical specialities
      • Immunology
      • Ophthalmology
      • Diagnostic imaging
  • Humanitarian
    • Free goods distribution
    • Food aid
    • Youth development

Focus populations

  • Low-income people
  • Men and boys
  • Refugees and displaced people
  • Women and girls
  • Working poor
  • Young adults

Focus geographies

  • Middle East
    • Lebanon


  • Development programme
    This programme helps to empower individual and groups of people by giving them skills to create change within their own communities to promote sustainable development.
  • Healthcare services
    The foundation provides high quality primary healthcare services at affordable costs to people in Lebanon.
  • Micro-credit programme
    This provides financial and non-financial services to entrepreneurs and low and medium income employees seeking to develop a business to grow their income and improve their economic status.
  • Relief and humanitarian services
    Working with UNHCR and other national and international partners, the foundation provides humanitarian support to Syrian, Iraqi and other refugees - and vulnerable host communities - with protection, livelihoods, and case management.
  • Vocational training
    Providing trainees with vocational and technical skills to support their knowledge acquisition and promote self-reliance. Courses are tailored to match job market demands.


Funding model

  • Foundation-administered programme awards
  • Grants to Individuals
  • Grants to organisations
  • In-kind gifts
    • Donated goods
  • Loans to Individuals

Primary funders

  • Action Aid Denmark
  • Makhzoumi family


Key staff

  • Fouad Makhzoumi, Founder
  • May Makhzoumi, President

Contact details