Magdi Yacoub Foundation

The Magdi Yacoub Heart Foundation (MYF) is an Egyptian charity NGO founded in 2008 by Sir Magdi Yacoub, the late Dr. Ahmed Zewail and Ambassador Mohamed Shaker. Through the Aswan Heart Centre (AHC) Magdi Yacoub Global Heart Centre in Cairo, MYF provides free specialist cardiac services, advanced training programs for nurses, doctors and technicians, and support research in bio-engineering and life sciences.

Related sustainable development goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being
  • Reduced Inequalities

Focus areas

Focus sectors

  • Health
    • Out-patient care
      • Preventive care
      • Health care clinics
      • Urgent care
    • Healthcare access
    • In-patient care
    • Medical specialities
      • Cardiology
    • Health care quality
    • Diseases and conditions
      • Heart and circulatory system diseases

Focus populations

  • Older adults
  • Seniors
  • Young adults

Focus geographies

  • Africa
  • Middle East
  • North Africa
    • Egypt


  • Aswan Heart Center
    Based in the Egyptian city of Aswan, this state-of-the art facility provides free medical care services, as well as advanced training programs for nurses, doctors and technicians.
  • Aswan Heart Research Center
    The Aswan Heart research programme is fully integrated with the clinical activities and ranges from population to disease-based studies. Research focusses on conditions most prevalent among populations in Egypt and Africa, and particularly neglected diseases such as rheumatic heart disease and pulmonary hypertension.
  • Magdi Yacoub Global Research Centre, Cairo
    A research centre providing high-quality cardiac treatment at no cost to support children and adults across the region. The Centre also offers training for medical staff and carries out groundbreaking research.


Funding model

  • Grants to organisations
  • In-kind gifts
  • Pro bono services
  • Programme related investment
  • Volunteering


Key staff

  • executive director, Zeina Tawakol
  • vice president for development and fundraising, Dina El Gazzar

Board members

  • Ambassador Gehad Madi, Board Member
  • Dr. Ahmed Shawki, Founder and Secretary General
  • Dr. Magdy Ishak, Founder and Chairman
  • Dr. Yehia Zaki, Board Member
  • Esaad Younes, Board Member
  • Hani Azer, Board Member
  • Mohamed A. El-Hamamsy, Founder and Treasurer
  • Mohamed El Sewedy, Board Member
  • Professor Sir Magdi Yacoub, Founder and Honorary President
  • Samih Sawiris, Board Member
  • Tawfik S. Diab, Board Member

Contact details