
Jusoor (meaning ‘bridges’ in Arabic) is an international NGO that seeks to help Syrian youth realise their potential through education and career development. Founded in 2011 by Syrian expatriates, Jusoor is a US 501c3, and also registered as a charitable organisation in Canada, the UK, and Jordan. Its main operations are in Lebanon, where it provides schooling for Syrian refugees, but it also sponsors university scholarships for Syrians, and supports Syrian-led entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses to access funding and training.

  • Organisation type NGO
  • Year founded 2011
  • Headquartered California
  • Registration United Kingdom · Canada · United States · Jordan
  • Website https://jusoor.ngo

Related sustainable development goals

  • Quality Education
  • Gender Equality
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Partnerships for the Goals

Focus areas

Focus sectors

  • Development
    • Business and industry
      • Entrepreneurship
  • Education
    • Elementary and secondary education
      • Elementary education
      • Secondary education
      • Middle school education
    • Higher education
    • Graduate and professional
    • Education services
    • Student services
  • Humanitarian
    • Youth development
      • Youth mentoring

Focus populations

  • Adolescents
  • At-risk youth
  • Men and boys
  • Refugees and displaced people
  • Victims and oppressed people
    • Victims of conflict and war
  • Women and girls
  • Young adults

Focus geographies

  • Americas
    • United States
    • Canada
  • Europe
    • United Kingdom
  • Middle East
    • Syria
    • Iraqi Kurdistan
    • Jordan
    • Turkey
    • Lebanon
    • Iraq


  • Entrepreneurship
    Through mentorship, incubators, and competitions, Jusoor enables young Syrian entrepreneurs to enhance their leadership skills and secure funding for their startups.
  • Mentorship
    Jusoor offers academic advice through the Mentorship Program to Syrian students requiring help in their university application processes and seeking more information on academic choices and studying abroad. The programme is focused on connecting expatriate Syrians and volunteers with highly ambitious students in Syria and those recently displaced, to provide coaching and mentoring throughout their academic life.
  • Personal Development
    The Jusoor Professional Development programme was launched to support Syrian youth in finding work opportunities outside of Syria that align with their talent and skills. The programme started in 2012 with the influx of Syrians to neighbouring countries and the Gulf, where they found themselves unable to join the job market due to the difference in application processes and lack of skills that were required in the workplace. The programme offers workshops that focus on career counselling, CV writing, and job interviewing skills to young Syrians, and has grown to include English-language training for adults as a means to better position them in the job market, and professional training for teachers and teachers-to-be.
  • Refugee Education
    Jusoor’s Refugee Education Programme in Lebanon seeks to ensure Syrian refugees have a holistic, well-rounded primary school education through integration into formal schooling whenever possible, introducing contextual and relevant curricula and teaching methods to deliver informal education, and providing strong psychosocial support within the framework of community engagement and rehabilitation.
  • Scholarship
    The Jusoor Scholarship Programme enables Syrian youth to continue academic study and attain an education that will be essential to their futures as well as to the future of Syria. Jusoor has supported students in the US, Canada, Europe, and the Middle East through full and partial funding and university partnerships. Students pursue different degree levels and academic fields of study, and a growing number of alumni benefit from mentoring and professional development opportunities.


Funding model

  • Grants to organisations
  • In-kind gifts

Primary funders

  • Chalhoub Group
  • Latter Day Saints
  • Mackenzie Scott
  • Spark


Key staff

  • academic director, Suha Tutunji
  • entrepreneurship programme manager, Ziena Abou Dalboub
  • executive director, Grace Atkinson
  • scholarship programme manager, Sarah Shedeed

Board members

  • Ahmad Nehlawi, Board member
  • Dania Ismail, Board member
  • Leen Al Zaibak, Founder
  • Maya Ghosn, Board member
  • Rami Zayat, Board member
  • Rania Succar, Board member
  • Safouh Takrouri, Chairperson

Contact details