Gaza Sky Geeks
A programme of international NGO Mercy Corps, Gaza Sky Geeks supports start-ups, gig economy workers, and aspiring software developers in Palestine. It began as an entrepreneurship bootcamp but is now a leading tech and innovation hub and operates across Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem. Gaza Sky Geeks provides freelancers, founders, and coders with the technical training and support they need to earn an income online.
- Organisation type NGO
- Year founded 2011
- Headquartered Gaza City
- Registration United States
- Website https://gazaskygeeks.com
Related sustainable development goals
Focus areas
Focus sectors
- Communications
- Economic development
- Employment
- Job creation and workforce developement
- Business and industry
- Entrepreneurship
- Vocational education
- Technology
Focus populations
- Students
- Refugees and displaced people
- Victims and oppressed people
- Young adults
Focus geographies
Middle East
- Palestine
The Code Academy
Providing intensive tech-education training, professional skills and job-readiness support for those looking to become professional coders and developers, irrespective of past experience and background.The Skylancer Academy
Upskilling people across a variety of fields to help them enter the digital workforce.The Start-up programme
An intensive 8-month venture building program that focuses on digitalizing the services and business models across big market industries in Palestine. A selective annual intake receive cash grants and one-to-one business supports.
Funding model
- Grants to organisations
- Pro bono services
- Pro bono strategic management services
- Programme related investment
Primary funders
- Google for Start-ups
- Mercy Corps
Key staff
- director, Alan El-Khadi
Contact details
- info@gazaskygeeks.com
- https://gazaskygeeks.com
- UNWRA HQ Square, Almotaz 3 Building, Mezzanine level, Gaza City, Gaza Strip