The Zovighian Partnership

ZP is a Beirut-based data-driven social investment platform dedicated to research and data-led planning and policy development. It was set up by Lebanese entrepreneur and philanthropist Lynn Zovighian and her father, Michel, in 2013. The family also has the ZP Public Office, which amplifies the voices of crisis-affected communities in international diplomacy and tribunals. This entity works closely with disempowered groups in Lebanon, with the Yazidis in Iraq, and has been a key voice of advocacy for the indigenous Armenians of Artsakh Nagorno-Karabakh.

Related sustainable development goals

  • Gender Equality
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Reduced Inequalities
  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Focus areas

Focus sectors

  • Development
    • Business and industry
      • Entrepreneurship
    • Sustainable development
    • Economic development
      • Employment
        • Job creation and workforce developement
    • Financial services
      • Development finance
        • Community development finance
        • Microfinance
  • Education
    • Vocational education
  • Human rights
  • Humanitarian
    • Youth development
      • Community service for youth
    • Emergency relief
    • Free goods distribution
  • International relations
  • Public affairs
    • Leadership development
    • Public policy

Focus populations

  • Low-income people
  • Victims and oppressed people
    • Victims of conflict and war
  • Women and girls
  • Working poor

Focus geographies

  • Middle East
    • Iraq
    • Saudi Arabia
    • Lebanon


  • Investing for women in Lebanon

    Since 2021, Meem Foundation has worked to enhance the capacity and reach of women empowerment organizations across Lebanon.

    The foundation has funded 10 coalitions of 20 organisations of various sizes focused on multiple women’s economic empowerment themes including entrepreneurship, food manufacturing, handicrafts, legal rights, and mental health.

    Most of the projects are operating across rural Lebanon with 40% of beneficiaries consisting of those from refugee communities. These grants support capacity building of the organisations and enable future fundraising ability.


Funding model

  • Grants to Individuals
  • Grants to organisations
  • Impact investing
  • Programme related investment

Funding source

  • Family
  • Private
  • Revenue generation


Key staff

  • Lynn Zovighian

Board members

  • Lynn Zovighian
  • Michel Zovighian

Contact details



Getting data strategies right: Lebanese philanthropist Lynn Zovighian explains why we need to invest in data, allow communities to have an authentic voice, and develop local solutions. Read more